Ever so often you look at me Furrow your brow and whisper Where did you come from Tell me Where did you come from ..
When I hold my phone all night, I don’t feel like Lorca. I do, however, hear audio messages of your laughter. I think Lorca..
As I reflect on my parents’ “love story,” I’m reminded of the cyclical feelings when it comes to love. When I recall kissing my girlfriend..
Reflexionar sobre la “historia de amor” de mis padres me recuerda los sentimientos cíclicos del amor. Cuando rememoro besar a mi novia en el coche..
The Ups and Downs of Navigating Relationships This piece was aired at 14 East’s virtual live storytelling event on the theme of wilderness in May. ..
For some, Valentine’s Day can be a harsh reminder of their single status. Stores are stocked shelf by shelf with stuffed animals, heart-shaped boxes and..
Wet Carpets and Wedding Rings by Dylan Van Sickle I never wanted to audition for that play; my friend just needed a ride. I had..
A Celebration of Self Love in Chicago’s Sex Shops. February is a bustling time for the sex industry. When most retail dies in the post-Christmas..
“Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” — Jean de La Fontaine As if making friends in our early days was not hard..
14 Speaks is back, hosted by Carina Smith and Dylan Van Sickle. Our first episode back provides our readers with recap of this week’s Love..