A Letter From Pueblo’s Editors/Una Carta De Los Ed...

A Letter From Pueblo’s Editors/Una Carta De Los Editores De Pueblo

Queridos lectores,

¡Gracias por leer Pueblo! Esperamos que con Pueblo se ha creado un espacio donde encontraras cosas interesantes, sean de periodismo o de arte, del trabajo de la comunidad de Latinx jóvenes aquí en Chicago. Buscamos piezas que son personal y político, organizando historias de diferentes culturas a través de una plataforma. 

Pueblo es una revista digital bilingüe que publicará cada otra semana y su trabajo será accesible en inglés y en español — alentamos que los escritores traduzcan sus propias piezas. Si no es posible, las piezas serán traducidas por los escritores de esta nota, Richie Requena para el periodismo y Julián Martínez por el arte. Con la ayuda editorial de el equipo de 14 East y los escritores de las piezas, cada edición de Pueblo llega online cada viernes por el sitio de 14 East.

Por su gusto, aquí está la transcripción de la entrevista que hicimos para explicar quien somos y por que empezamos esta publicación con 14 East. Disfruta!

Podcast by Richie Requena, 14 East

Podcast by Richie Requena, 14 East

Dear readers,

Thank you for reading Pueblo at 14 East today! We hope that, with Pueblo, we can provide a space where engaging material — journalistic and creative — from Chicago’s Latinx young adult writers can be seen and shared by the community. We look for work that is both personal and political, bringing together stories from different cultures through one platform.

Pueblo is a bilingual journal that publishes weekly pieces in English and in Spanish.

Submissions are accepted in both languages — writers are encouraged to translate their own work if they can. If they cannot, pieces are translated by the two editors, aka the writers of this letter, Richie Requena (journalistic editor) and Julian Martinez (creative editor). With the editorial help of the rest of 14 East’s staff and the pieces’ writers, every edition of Pueblo is published on 14 East’s website on Fridays.

For your reading pleasure, here are excerpts from an interview during which we asked each other questions on Pueblo’s creation and our mission as editors. Enjoy!

Requena: How did you come to the idea to start something like Pueblo?

Martinez: Winter Quarter of 2020, I realized that I’d never been in creative writing classes where I’ve been with a lot of Latinx students. And I was like, “I wish I had a network of Latinx students that I could share [my work] with.” I bumped heads with you and you were also wanting to do the same thing but for journalism. So, it only made sense to bring them together to create that network for the community, that stream for people to connect and share their work with.

Martinez: Why specifically start Pueblo? Why a Latinx journal?

Requena: I think it’s important to have a space for our voices and for our stories to be listened to. I think 14 East magazine is already a great place for student media, so I think that having a Spanish Latinx section for ourselves as creators and for our community is a really good home for us.

Quiero tener un camino para periodistas y creativos Latinxs para publicar su trabajo y ser partes de sus comunidades. Junto con 14 East, vamos mostrar a nosotros mismos y a nuestros comunidades que tenemos algo que ofrecer. Esta publicación va ser nuestra manera de enseñar que si tenemos un interés en escribir y reportar en español y en nuestras comunidades.

When we talk about things like inclusion and creating a space for growth, we want it to be understood that we will also look for work that may not be in Spanish. That means we’ll do what we can to give you what you need for your stories in Portuguese, Nahuatl and any way that you express your Latinx identity.

Give it your all/Dale ganas,

Richie Requena, Journalistic Editor

Julian Martinez, Creative Editor

Header image by Meredith Melland, 14 East