If I were a A warrior My eyes would look at the sun— The sun which did not nearly caress me as long as it..
Missed the public newsroom? Watch the recording here on 14 East’s YouTube. On November 1, 14 East Magazine had the pleasure of hosting Chicago-based artist,..
The Virgin is Morenita and she bathes in an emerald silhouette. To pay homage, my mother wrapped my hair in green, white and red ribbon...
On road trips to the motherland in a cooped up minivan— sometimes only my brother and sisters Other times tias y tios, abuelitas y primas..
“We must remember that our people and stories are not just moments that should be glorified resilience, but that those conditions placed upon them are..
Creator of DPU Affirmations, an anonymous Instagram account, shares comedic posts and raises awareness for campus causes.
“I am very confident that movie theaters will survive, but how new movies are released and how people watch them will change forever.”
“Sé orgullosa de quien eres”, me dijo mi madre un día caluroso cuando tenía 9 años, su brazo extendiéndose en frente de nosotras. “Esta es..
At 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 11th, I stood in Union Park awaiting St. Vincent at Chicago’s Pitchfork Music Festival. After her musicians and backup..
“Be proud of who you are,” my mother told me one hot summer day when I was nine, her arm sweeping across the air in..