Consumption should be complex
After winning the Chicago runoff election, Brandon Johnson promised to be better than former mayor Lori Lightfoot — but can he pull it off?
“DePaul really needs to get serious about how we are going to deal with climate change.” In 2009, professor James Montgomery and a coalition of..
The climate crisis did not happen overnight. Climate scientists and activists have been fighting for the environment for decades. — Tthe threat of global climate..
Composting in a concrete jungle is not an easy feat. Many might muster up an image of farmland when picturing this sustainable alternative to sending..
At first glance, DePaul’s recycling system looks messy. Some recycling containers look like portly mailboxes, others look like R2D2. They are blue, green, gray or..
Tree-hugging hippies used to be the stereotypical vegan – violently shouting with their PETA signs as they munch on their kale leaves like rabbits. In..
You could call it a problem. Or a crisis, or even a catastrophe — but not one of these words fully capture the gravity of..
Imagine going to the moon without a map or trying to land with a computer too overloaded with tasks to know which functions to prioritize...
Food waste is more than not finishing everything on your plate. It contributes 4.4 gigatonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year, according to the United..