If I were a A warrior My eyes would look at the sun— The sun which did not nearly caress me as long as it..
The Virgin is Morenita and she bathes in an emerald silhouette. To pay homage, my mother wrapped my hair in green, white and red ribbon...
On road trips to the motherland in a cooped up minivan— sometimes only my brother and sisters Other times tias y tios, abuelitas y primas..
This poem’s about sense of wonder, ‘cause yeah, there’s cops and tweaks, but also — Diego in his basement, loud with gas and jazz..
Lavando carros Para que nadie vea Aparte de los ojos que miran Hasta que algo va mal Un cuerpo por un billete Un alma por..
Washing cars For no one to see But the eyes that watch Until something goes astray A body for a bill A soul..
Ever so often you look at me Furrow your brow and whisper Where did you come from Tell me Where did you come from ..
Leer en Inglés. (Read in English.) Nuestro voto no es solamente a quien queremos como nuestro presidente Nuestro voto es nuestra voz ..
Read in Spanish. (Leer en Español.) Our vote isn’t only for our President Our vote is our voice Our voice for ideas,..
Note: These poems are based off of protests that took place the weekend after the Breonna Taylor verdict. Only a few are outside the Mexican..