She sat, fiddling on her phone, not bothering to look up as the doors of the train opened to invite in new passengers. This wasn’t..
Not a good friend. Not a good daughter. Not a good student. Not enough. Never enough. I’m never enough. It is thoughts like these, of..
Ricky Jay, storied magician, historian, actor and author, says that playing cards are like an extension of his hands—he knows their weight, their pliant maneuverability,..
Oct. 17 started as a normal day for DePaul’s Liturgy Coordinator Matt Merkt. Merkt, known on campus for his sassy jokes, effortless pianist skills and..
If each street has its own brand, then Lincoln Avenue missed out – some areas are like Main Street of a ghost town, the long..
Emmy-winning journalist and professor Maria Hinojosa helps empower DePaul’s Latinx community It’s 2 p.m. on a Wednesday in New York City. DePaul University professor and..
The pat downs happen three people at a time. It is early, and you are standing on the cold floor without shoes on so that..
“I’m not just a rapper,” Femdot said to me. “I’m not just a scientist,” Femi said to me. Femi Adigun would sit next to me..
Black Faces in White Spaces Chorus On Nov. 27, 2015, I was in the eye of the storm. Marching, with the bitter wind slapping my..
A convergence of time, place and Milo Yiannopoulos All things considered, the day started off pretty quiet. May 24 was hot—hotter than it had been..