Amid labor dispute, employee tests positive for COVID-19 The company that DePaul contracts for all of its catering and student food services, Chartwells Higher Ed,..
Outside of the grueling everyday process of enduring quarantine, it’s expected but not exactly comforting to hear social media usage has increased by 61 percent..
A junior at Columbia College Chicago pulled off a livestream music fest off of her Instagram meme page with an unlikely but incredible lineup of..
Throughout the last couple of years, Haymarket Books, the progressive and independent nonprofit book publisher based in Chicago, has released a volume in the BreakBeat..
En los últimos años, Haymarket Books, el progresivo e independiente editor de libros sin fines de lucro en Chicago, ha lanzado un nuevo volumen en..
Editor’s note: This is a creative piece. The views in this piece do not necessarily reflect those of the 14 East editorial staff. Listen to..
Nota del Editor: este es una pieza creativa. Las opiniónes en esta pieza no nesecariamente reflejan las de la redacción de 14 East. Eschucha a..
After crawling into bed one night in early February, Ollin Barraza Fernandez got a call from his friend Emma Drover, a communication and media..
Everything seemed to be going as expected for DePaul senior Natalie Robbins when she logged into Zoom for her political science seminar on Tuesday night...
Editor’s Note: The opinions in this piece do not necessarily reflect those of the 14 East editorial staff Since October 4, 2017, the day I..