A fragile body fell into existence, and then another followed behind. Two crying earthlings, flushed cheeks and nimble fingers. “What beautiful twins,” the nurse exclaimed...
Bold red lettering and mini Marvel characters run, jump or fight along the sidewalk off North Western Avenue until I reached the main door of..
The Hate U Give is a breath of fresh air, as it brings so much more to the table than the Twilight and Divergent series of our time..
“So how did we get this way, anyway?” Chicana Civil Rights Movement leader Dolores Huerta asked a crowd of around 150 audience members at “An..
America is a quick coffee country. Gas stations, Dunkin’ runs and Keurig cups are a central part of many people’s daily routines. But there’s another..
Although she may be perceived as an extension of the very famously known Kardashian/Jenner family and media money conglomerate, Kylie Jenner of Kylie Cosmetics is..
More women today are becoming journalists, but men are still dominating bylines, nightly news and radio shows. According to the Women’s Media Center (WMC), only..
Update: On January 18, 2019, Jason Van Dyke was sentenced to 81 months in prison for the second-degree murder of Laquan McDonald. The sentence..
It is well-known that the world is facing a displaced population crisis. Beyond that, we are not aware of the who, what, where, when, or..
The opinions in this piece do not necessarily reflect those of the 14 East editorial staff Sports used to be a pastime that transcended political..