Leer en inglés aquí. (Read in English here.) ¡Bienvenidos, lectores! Puede ser que ya hayas leído la guía para votar de 14 East (si no,..
DePaul’s State of the University was delivered virtually to an audience of nearly 700. On October 22, faculty and staff joined a Zoom call where..
The 2020 presidential race has dominated political media coverage over the last year; however, just as important are the Senate seats up for grabs this..
Mail-in and absentee ballots have become an increasingly popular method of voting in the United States since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, providing voters..
In an email received by students on October 5, DePaul University announced that the Winter Quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year is scheduled to..
There has been a growing call for politicians to address police reform after the killing of George Floyd in late May. Here in Chicago, Republican..
Editors note: this piece has interactive audio elements. Listen to them by clicking the highlighted text. After a summer of police violence and protests calling..
Movement builder, cultural worker, founder of the #LetUsBreathe Collective, member of the Black Abolitionist Network (BAN) and co-host of the radio show and podcast Airgo,..
Note: These poems are based off of protests that took place the weekend after the Breonna Taylor verdict. Only a few are outside the Mexican..
NOTA: Estos poemas están basados en las protestas que ocurrieron durante el fin de semana después del veredicto del caso de Breonna Taylor. Solo..